Describe your operations:

Please provide your total annual sales:

Tell us about your inbound shipments:

Average Value per shipment:                     Maximum Value per shipment:
                                                                (We will use this to set your transit limit)


Total inbound values per year:                  Countries of Origin:


Percentage Shipped by Air:                     Percentage shipped by others means (please describe):


Tell us about your outbound shipments:

Average Value per shipment:                     Maximum Value per shipment:
                                                                (We will use this to set your transit limit)


Total Outbound values per year:                  Countries of Destination:


Percentage Shipped by Air:                     Percentage shipped by others means (please describe):


Insurance by others:

If any incoming or outgoing shipments have insurance provided by others that you cannot avoid, please describe the situation.

For these sorts of shipments, what is the maximum value per shipment? What is the average value per shipment? What is the total value annually?


Specify the deductibles you would like on incoming and outgoing shipments.  They need not be the same. Our clients' deductibles range from $250 to well over $5,000.



 Describe any losses you have had on cargo shipments in the past three years. Provide the date, what happened and the value of the loss.

Coverage History:

Provide us with the carrier and policy numbers for any cargo insurance for the past three years.

If you want coverage for your inventory on your site:

Please list the physical address for all locations where goods are stored, beginning with your main location. Provide the maximum daily value you wish insured at each site and the daily typical value at each site. Please give us the age, construction, and security details for that location.

Please give us the age, construction, and security details for each location where you want goods insured.

Comments and Questions:

Add any other comments or requests that might help us construct a cargo program for you. Do let us know the security measures you already employ.